Revitalize your content and boost your conversions instantly.

5 simple, research-backed tactics that will transform your copy from bland to bold.

Increase Conversions

Ditch Writer’s Block

Increase Conversions


And people are smarter.

Hell, photos of your oatmeal converted a decade ago. Your content is vague and could be found on Google or any Pinterest board. The key to selling out your offers is not workout videos, recipes or “try-on hauls” – you need a content strategy.

Good news, creating kick ass copy gets to be easy. I’m sharing 5 simple strategies inside of this workshop.

You can't keep staring at a blank google doc.

Let me guess…

↳ You low-key want to scrap everything and start from scratch

↳ Your idea of content strategy is copying what another coach wrote.

↳ What used to work for you doesn’t but you keep doing it anyway.

↳ Delete” is your most pressed button. You have no idea what to say or how to say it.

↳ It takes you hours to write a few captions and that’s not scalable.

Hi, I'm Taeler.

Here’s your personal invite to access the Content Pro workshop where you’ll learn copywriting, storytelling and content strategy (from an Emmy award-winning journalist 😉).


The one-stop-shop to overhaul your marketing strategy and go from bland to bold to fill your coaching roster.

Gone are the days of writing captions the day of and copying other online coaches to figure out what to write.


Listen, it isn’t your fault. You never learned formal copywriting strategies – and mimicking what you see on IG isn’t a strategy.

The RunDown

Here’s what you’ll learn in this epic training:

Address what’s holding you back and fix it stat.

From perfecting your bio and auditing your offer to overcoming perfectionism, you’ll break past those barriers to get out of your own way.

Learn to storytell like a pro.

I’m giving you my best storytelling tips and tricks so you can get away from the mundane and Googlable captions.

The anatomy of the perfect caption.

Dive into my 5-part fool-proof layout to create content that converts every time.

(Promise you can’t mess this up!)

Create a content strategy that matches your vibe and business –

from solopreneur to multi-6-figure coaches, I’m diving into how to create and execute.

A bit about me.

An Emmy award-winning journalist who’s made multi-millions as an online coach.

I’m a 7-figure business consultant and strategist for online health and wellness coaches desiring to change history and build life-changing companies.

Real talk, I wasn’t an overnight success. And that would make for a pretty boring story. . I was fired from my TV reporting career of a decade with just $825 to my name. With my Emmy in hand, I followed my passion and said “fuck my fears” and started my online fitness coaching business.

I scaled my fitness coaching business to $250k in one year using my marketing and writing expertise to carve out my niche in a saturated (not competitive) market.

In four years, my company has made more than $2.5M.

And that is why I’m hosting the Content Pro workshop, to give you a streamlined approach to creating content that converts.

No more second guessing or stressing over perfection. Get the strategies you need and watch the leads flow in. Are you ready?

Real talk:

I know you’ve been spinning your wheels.

Heck, maybe you’ve even invested in a program and it failed you. But I know the thought of financial freedom is keeping you up at night – and I’m going to make it a reality.

One click will change the game…forever.